The Meaning and Mode of Baptism, Jay Adams

Your Baby’s Baptism, W. Wilson Benton, Jr.

A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Baptism: The Water that Unites, Robert Letham

Why Do We Baptize Infants?, Bryan Chapell

Children of the Promise: The Biblical Case for Infant Baptism, Robert R. Booth

The Promise of Baptism: An Introduction to Baptism in Scripture and the Reformed Tradition, James V. Brownson

Baptism in Scripture and History, Rowland S. Ward

Immersion & Immersionists, W.A. Mackay

The Case for Covenantal Infant Baptism, Gregg Strawbridge, ed.

The Biblical Doctrine of Infant Baptism, Pierre Marcel

The Presbyterian Doctrine of Children in the Covenant, Lewis Bevens Shenck

We & Our Children: The Reformed Doctrine of Infant Baptism, Herman Hanko

The Shaping of the Reformed Baptismal Right in the Sixteenth Century, Hughes Oliphant Old